FEBRUARY BLOG- Your Eternal Reward
“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who comes to Him must believe that God exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.”
The subject of our Wednesday Evening Bible Study is “Your Eternal Reward, The Reality of the Judgment Seat of Christ.” If you have been attending, you already know that learning what the Bible has to say about what will happen when we stand before Christ will change the way we look at the way we conduct our life here on earth.
“Rewards are God’s doing. They were His idea, not ours. God is the One who developed the rewards, determined the criteria for awarding them, and demonstrated His grace by providing them for faithful service. Rewards arise from the heart of God…Fathers love to reward their children. They do it out of love. Don’t rob God of the joy of being a rewarding heavenly Father because you tell him you don’t care. You should care. It’s okay to think about your heavenly reward. God does.”
Woodrow Kroll in Facing Your Final Job Review