--Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:15pm


Our prayer for every youth is that they would experience the love and majesty of the triune God, that their lives would be transformed daily by realizing this abounding love He has for each of us, and in turn create a desperate desire to be near to Him.

 VISION: Created on the desire for youth to have a place where they can be themselves, Convicted Youth Ministry aspires to be a place where we do life together. Where authenticity can be transformed into a changed perspective of who Jesus Christ really is, what he means for each individual, and a desire to be a leader for His name.    

 MISSION: In order to create a culture of transparency and humility, Convicted Youth Ministry clings only to the perfection of Jesus Christ and not to our own knowledge or strength. Providing a combination of foundational and topic specific teachings as well as creating opportunities for youth to lead will help to develop these qualities and encourage them to rely on Him in all they do.